上吉他課聽到國中的弟弟好像彈了 Blur song 2
Radiohead, Guns N' Roses, Nirvana, Jimi Hendrix 等都是經由這樣知道的
所以覺得好懷念,回家就趕快找 Blur 的同名專輯來聽
小郭以前介紹 song 2 時說這主唱唱破音都沒關係阿
You're So Great
Lyrics:Albarn/Blur Music:Albarn/Blur

Sad, drunk, and poorly
Sleep in really late
Sad, drunk, and poorly
Not feeling so great
Wandering lost in a town full of frowns
Sad, drunk, and poorly
Dogs digging up the ground
And I feel the light
In the night and in the day
And I feel the light
When the sky's just mud and grey
And I feel the light
When you tell me it's OK
Cos you're so great, and I love you
Tea, tea and coffee
Helps to start the day
Tea, tea and coffee
Shaking all the way
City's alive and, surprise, so am I
Tea, tea and coffee
Get no sleep today

Blur - Song 2 (Blur 2003)

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